Hypothermia (the silent killer of the outdoors)

Hypothermia occurs when the body’s production of heat cannot keep up with that lost to the environment. Body temperature is normally about 37 C. Hypothermia can set in when the internal body temperature drops below 35 C. Any further drop in body temperature becomes extremely dangerous.

Many people associate hypothermia as being a wintertime condition. This is far from correct, although its onset may be more dramatic when the weather is cold. Given the right conditions, hypothermia can occur in seemingly harmless temperatures. It might, however, in these conditions take longer to manifest itself. Once started, it can accelerate into the critical stages quite rapidly. For this reason, one should be mindful of the possibility of hypothermia at any time of the year.

Children, the elderly, dieters, very slim persons, persons at high altitudes and persons who are physically exhausted are the most vulnerable.


Symptoms are similar to that of drunkenness. Look out for:

  • Feeling of extreme cold with uncontrollable shivering.
  • Tiredness and apathy.
  • Lagging behind the group, with shuffling or stumbling walk.
  • Pale colour of skin.
  • Slurring of speech.
  • Lack of co-ordination of body movements.
  • Aggressive and / or uncooperative behavior.
  • At an advanced stage amnesia, irrationality, incoherence, partial consciousness and or a coma could manifest itself.


Treatment should commence as early as possible after the first symptoms are noticed. In the field advanced hypothermia is extremely difficult to control. The following can be done to treat it:

  • Obtain shelter from elements if possible, especially wind.
  • Remove clothing if wet and wrap up patient in warm dry garments and / or place in a sleeping bag next to one or more human companions for maximum warmth.
  • Give hot sweetened drinks, together with high energy foods (eg chocolate)
  • If possible, build a fire.
  • DO NOT give alcohol
  • DO NOT handle the patient roughly or massage extremities
  • If condition is mild, patient must keep up light exercise (walking about or marking time) in order to build up heat. If condition is advanced the patient is best not moved at all. Help must then be sought. If breathing fails give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Do not let patient fall asleep.


Because hypothermia is so easily prevented, no one should really become a victim. Take precautions before getting into trouble. Put on your rain gear before you get wet and put on extra clothing before you get cold. Wetness and cold, especially if there is a wind, are the main causes of hypothermia. Be adequately prepared for sudden weather changes, even on short walks. During a thunderstorm the temperature can drop by as much as 10 C. Prevent hypothermia by:

  • Using only the best quality wind and waterproof rainsuit, preferably with hood and trousers.
  • Dressing in layers of light clothing, woollen if possible, to maintain the best bodily insulation. Wear too much rather than too little. Avoid cottons, especially jeans or corduroy.
  • About half of all body heat is lost from the head, neck and hands. Wear a woollen hat and scarf and waterproof mittens or gloves. In an emergency, a spare pair of socks make useful “gloves”.
  • Always carry a lightweight space blanket. This can be a life-saver.
  • If the weather deteriorates, seek whatever shelter you can, especially from wind. Avoid exhausting yourself. It is better to “sit-out” the elements than to fight them.
  • Eating high energy foods to “fuel” the body in order that it can convert this to heat. Snack or chocolate bars are best.
  • Avoiding dehydration. Fluid loss reduces your blood volume. Drink hot beverages if possible. Do not use alcohol, or coffee.

Sunstroke / Heat Exhaustion (hyperthermia)

Dehydration in very hot weather can lead to heat exhaustion. Unfit hikers are often more likely to be affected. It is thus better to only do what you are capable of, especially in hot weather to avoid over-exertion.

The symptoms of sunstroke/heat exhaustion (hyperthermia) are:

  • Flushed face with hot, dry skin.
  • Headache and / or dizziness.
  • Rapid heart rate.
  • Nausea with possible vomiting.
  • Irritability and / or loss of reasoning.
  • Muscle and abdominal cramps.
  • Unconsciousness (extreme conditions).


Sunstroke/heat exhaustion (hyperthermia) can lead to death if timely action is not taken timeously.

At the first signs of heat exhaustion stop walking, place the patient in a shaded spot, or create shade artificially. Remove or loosen all clothing, sprinkle the body with water and fan to induce a cooling effect.

Encourage the patient to sip water moderately.


  • Wear clothing that is appropriate to the weather conditions. Clothes should be cool and light in colour. Protect as much of the body area as possible from the sun’s rays.
  • Wear a hat with a brim sufficiently large enough to protect the neck and face.
  • Always carry sufficient water on dry stretches. Drink frequently but sparingly. Too much water can be as dangerous as too little.
  • When water is available, cool down as much of the body area as is practical. Wet your hat before replacing on your head.
  • Do not exceed your physical capabilities. Rest frequently in a cool, shady spot or create your own shade by means of a space blanket.
  • If you are inclined to get hot easily, carry a lightweight umbrella and walk in the shade whenever you are able to.

Snake Bite

If it is possible, take a photo of the snake so that it can later be identified. Don’t however take risks or waste time.

Keep the patient calm and ensure he moves as little as possible.

Wrap a broad crepe bandage over the affected area. Towels or torn-up clothing can also be used. (see fig 1, below).

The bandage should be firmly applied but not too tightly. Do not waste time taking off clothes. Extra movement will encourage venom spread (see fig 2).

Bandage the whole limb (see fig 3) Bind a splint to the limb to keep it immobile (see fig 4).

If possible, carry the patient out. If this is not possible ensure the patient walks as slowly as possible. Apply a sling (see fig 5).